Tyrone Collier Joins ARC Fire Safety & Security
New Team Member

 15 April 2023
Tyrone Collier Joins ARC Fire Safety & Security

ARC Fire Safety & Security is thrilled to announce that Tyrone Collier has joined our team as a permanent Installation Engineer, following a successful period working as a subcontractor. With a wealth of experience in fire and security installation, Tyrone is a valuable addition to the company. His expertise and commitment to excellence align perfectly with ARC's dedication to providing top-notch service and safety solutions.

Tyrone’s background in the industry includes a comprehensive understanding of various fire safety systems, security measures, and the latest technological advancements. His ability to adapt and apply his knowledge to different projects ensures that our team ARC Fire Safety & Security can continue to offer customised, effective, and reliable services to their clients.

“We are delighted to welcome Tyrone to our team permanently,” said a spokesperson from ARC Fire Safety & Security. “His skills and experience have already made a significant impact, and we look forward to the continued benefits his presence will bring to our projects and clients.”

The Role

As an Installation Engineer, Tyrone will be responsible for overseeing the installation of fire and security systems, ensuring they meet all regulatory standards and client specifications. His role involves meticulous planning, coordination with other team members, and direct engagement with clients to guarantee that every installation is executed flawlessly.

Your Fire Safety Specialists

ARC Fire Safety & Security is known for its commitment to safety, quality, and customer satisfaction. With Tyrone Collier joining the team, the company is even better positioned to maintain its high standards and expand its reach in the fire and security industry.

For more information about ARC Fire Safety & Security and their services, visit our website.

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