ARC Fire Safety & Security celebrate our 20th birthday.

 21 February 2022

Happy 20th birthday to us

ARC Fire Safety & Security is celebrating our 20th birthday.  CEO Alan Simpson started the business back in 2002 in his back bedroom.  It is testament to Alan's ethos of delivering a high level of customer care that previous customers from the fire alam company he ran before came straight back. These included prestigeous names includding Winchester cathedral, Winchester Council and Waverley Borough Council.

Expansion out of the back bedroom to a small garage unit behind some shops eventually grew to the large office building the company operates from today. A multi million pound turnover and a staff group of 25 employees has been the result of never wavering from the customer care delivery.

Alan Simpson commented, " We are delighted to be celebrating 20 succesful years and with the amazing team we have in place we are looking forward to a steady continused growth while still delivering a great service to our loyal customers".


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